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  • HI. My name is Maskingbomb. I'm a portuguese Silver V League of Legends gamer. I wouldn't say I am addicted to this game, but it really gives me a different place to meet new people, besides from just playing a regular game. My main role is Support, and you might be wondering: ''Why support? Isn't that the role that almost everyone hates? That is the terror role on solo queue?'' Well for the first question, I can't quite tell the whole fact behind it, but I CAN ensure that the fact about beeing solo laning is guilty of this. When I go Mid or Top, I allways makes me kind of nervous, because, the responsability of not beeing SOLO against another player/champion/summoner/whatever, kinda grinds my gears, so with most champions I don't quite play as I wanted, as I predicted, as it's gameplay is supposed to be (Less for tha puppy :P, I love playing Nasus top); and in the jungle, i feel free to do whatever I want to: If mid is beeing very pushed, I will probably gank. If top is pushed, I will probably help them. Bot as well. If all lanes are ''ungankable'', I just roam around my jungle getting overlevel comparing to the enemy jungler. Going back to the support role, there ain't much to hardwork on it. The basics are: you carry your team in the early game, your team carries you late game. YAY everyone is happy, you win game, you get LP. C:
  • Still I can fill with completelly 0 problems :D

I also like to roam in my smurf accounts to try to teach some of the unskilled, or better, unexperienced players, and trying to make new friendships, 'cause, well, my objective at league, it isn't to like, get Challenger, or go to LCS (I'm not saying i don't want to...). My objective is to take out of it as much fun and happiness as I can. So I really like when, in the post-screen I see that a friendly summoner has added me to his friendlist, is the starting of a new friendship maybe :)

Anyways I created this website to share with whoever wants to see my awfull games, little parts of videos, and anyone that want to be my friend add me and play with me actually do that, or else, I will have to main amumu from now on (Also fill the mini quiz and recomend this website in the left).